Tag: Japanese Export Motorcycles
[:en]Bike Spotlight: GSXR 1300 “Hayabusa”[:es]Foco de moto: GSXR 1300 “Hayabusa”[:ru]Прожектор для мотоцикла: GSXR 1300 “Hayabusa”[:pb]Destaque para moto: GSXR 1300 “Hayabusa”[:]
[:en]This week we have a stunning 2012 Suzuki GSXR1300 Hayabusa in the shop. A little about this beasty motorcycle. Launched by Suzuki in 1999, the Hayabusa immediately won acclaim as the world’s fastest production motorcycle, with a top speed of 303 to 312 km/h (188 to 194 mph). There was huge international interest at the…
[:en]New SOX Store open in Kokura, Kyushu[:es]Nueva tienda SOX abierta en Kokura, Kyushu[:ru]Новый магазин SOX открыт в Кокуре, Кюсю[:pb]Abertura da nova loja SOX em Kokura, Kyushu[:]
[:en]SOX-YellowHat is happy to announce that we will be opening our 52nd domestic motorcycle store in Kokura, on the southern isle of Kyushu. The store has over 100 motorcycles ready in its showroom from manufacturers such as Honda, Suzuki, Yamaha, Kawasaki, Harley Davidson, and many more. “Bike Store SOX Kokura” will open to the general…
[:en]Bikers Station SOX Reopens its 51st store![:es]¡Bikers Station SOX reabre su tienda número 51![:ru]Bikers Station SOX вновь открывает свой 51-й магазин![:pb]Estação de motociclistas SOX reabre sua 51ª loja![:]
[:en] Last week our domestic branch, Bikers Station SOX reopened in Sendai Minami after a period of renovation. The renovated location is large, bright and beautiful. Allowing us to showcase the 300 plus motorcycles in-stock at Sendai Minami in their best light. So much more spacious. Including a nice area to relax while you view…
[:en]New Customer – First Order[:es]Nuevo cliente – Primer pedido[:ru]Новый клиент – первый заказ[:pb]Novo cliente – primeiro pedido[:]
[:en]Today in Japanese Export Motorcycle news, we are sending a container full of bikes to a new customer. While the customer is checking the necessary documentation from their end, we have prepared the documents to send the container for transport. Here you can see us packing motorbikes into the container securely to ensure that our…
[:en]A very full container[:es]Un contenedor muy lleno[:ru]Очень полный контейнер[:pb]Um recipiente muito cheio[:]
[:en]This weekend we packed 36 motorcycles into a 20ft container. Many 250CC sportbikes like the TZR, the KR, and the RGV. Many big bikes, 1000CC and 600CC Honda CBRs. And a few offroad bikes, too. Usually, we don’t try to cram so much into one container, but this was a special request from a client…
[:en]Happy New Year[:es]Feliz año nuevo[:ru]С новым годом[:pb]Feliz Ano Novo[:]
[:en]Happy New Year to all you motorcycle lovers. We are back from the New Year holidays. In Japan, we spend more time with our family at New Year than we do at Christmas. Have a lot of fun, much food, and a bit of adventure with our families. I hope you enjoyed the holiday week…
[:en]Happy Holidays[:es]Felices vacaciones[:ru]Счастливых праздников[:pb]Boas Festas[:]
[:en]YellowHat SOX are closing our office from Dec 28th to Jan 5th for winter holidays. We’d like to thank you for all your business and inquiries in 2019. We shall come back to work on Jan 6th, and we look forward to your inquiries and business in 2020. We wish you a Merry Chrismas and…
[:en]Sidecars for mini-motorbikes[:es]Sidecars para mini motos[:ru]Коляски для мини-мотоциклов[:pb]Sidecars para mini-motos[:]
[:en]This week Hiroshi-san visited his friend who makes custom sidecars for mini-bikes (such as the Honda Monkey 50/125, Super Cub, APE 50/100 and Zoomer) Side cars are an excellent way of travelling with a partner, a pet, your surfboard, or even another motorbike. Want to ride next to your beloved human/animal/surfboard/bike? Contact us. [:es]Esta semana,…
[:en]Classic Motorbikes at Auction[:es]Motos clásicas en subasta[:ru]Классические мотоциклы на аукционе[:pb]Motos Clássicas em Leilão[:]
Unique and classic models at auction in Japan
[:en]A visitor from Europe[:es]Un visitante de Europa[:ru]Гость из Европы[:pb]Um visitante da Europa[:]
[:en]We had a customer visit from Europe last week.[:]